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Win a Britax Strider Compact & Steelcraft Infant Carrier valued at $1,128

Thanks to our gorgeous friends at Britax & Steelcraft, we’re giving one lucky member a Britax Strider Compact & Steelcraft Infant Carrier. Total value $1,128

Congratulations Rachel M – you’re the lucky winner!  Please check your inbox for full details on how to claim your prize!

The Britax Strider Compact (RRP $799.00) is more lightweight and smaller than ever before! It gives busy parents the perfect travel solution; your precious passengers will travel in smooth comfort with the Strider Compact’s new ‘dual bearing’ rear wheels that offer a softer ride and premium manoeuvrability for tight shopping aisles. The front lockable swivel wheels provide confidence over rough terrain and the quick release wheels have a one-touch brake making it hassle-free to get back on the road. The Strider Compact is available in Red, Black, Shell or Forest.

Compatible with the Strider Compact, the Steelcraft Infant Carrier (RRP $329.00) allows you to move your child in their infant carrier from the car to stroller without waking in one smooth action. The fold back canopy designed to shield your little one from direct sunlight and the ample head support and harness pads provide ultimate comfort and safety for your little one.

With an ergonomic handle, mums can carry on their forearm with ease, this lightweight carrier maximises comfort for both mum and bub.


To be in the running to win this fab prize, simply complete the entry form below and get 6/6 to have a complete and valid entry


a Rafflecopter giveaway

TOP 20: Hospital Bag Essentials

Hospital bag essentials

Have you noticed how many ‘lists’ there are doing the social media rounds lately? With so many to choose from, sometimes it’s hard to know which list is right for you.

Well at ABB, we value what our community has to say. We ask and we engage and we listen. We’ve put together a top 20 list which we have compiled from real mums. Some first timers, some veterans but ALL sensible and helpful. You may recognise some of these suggestions as your own and some of these may surprise you. Whatever the case, if you’re expecting, print it out and put it on your fridge as a go-to.

Our mums have told us what they couldn’t do without and we’re sharing the love.

1. Ural
Have you ever experienced a urinary tract infection? It’s horrendous. It feels like you’re weeing broken glass and Ural is your best defence. I suggest you start drinking it straight after you meet your baby.

2. Magazines
It’s likely that you may never read one cover to cover [ever again, in fact] but there’s a chance that you will have a moment to yourself and be interested in something OTHER than the new beautiful little life you’ve just created. It’s also great for visitors who may wish to avert their eyes distract themselves as you’re trying to get your baby to ‘latch-on’ to your enormous, engorged breasts.

3. Lollies
You’ll be KNACKERED and the sugar hit will help you out, particularly during labour.

4. Range of clothes for bub
It seems that many a mum has been caught off guard with a baby that was bigger/smaller than they expected. Most hospitals do actually provide little baby gowns [which is what I kept both of mine in until I left – so much easier than getting them in and out of tiny outfits] but lots of mums like to dress their little one in their own gear right from the get go.

5. Nice body wash
Make no mistake, child birth is incredibly traumatic on your body, irrespective of HOW you birthed. A little luxury when you’re alone in the shower is very, very welcome. Of course, just being alone in the shower will become its very own luxury once your baby comes home!

6. Maternity pads
Hospitals will provide you with maternity pads and you will DIE when you see them. They are enormous and incredibly uncomfortable. They also do not have any adhesive, or fancy wings, so they tend to move around in your [gigantic] knickers. You’ll want to use them for the first 24 hours ’cause it’s quite likely you’ll bleed like there’s no tomorrow, but once you’re up and about you’ll probably want something slightly smaller than a mattress between your legs.

7. Your own pillow
This was a popular suggestion and one I wish I had done myself! Hospital pillows look clean and fluffy but they sound like they’re full of potato chips. They are NOISY. If you can pack your own, it’s a good idea.

8. Big knickers
Pack lots. We’re talking huge. If you’ve had a natural birth then everything ‘down there’ is sore, swollen and possibly even held together by stitches. If you’ve had a c-section then your abdomen is tender and you’re definitely held together by stitches. On top of all the discomfort you bleed A LOT and need enormous pads so the bigger the knickers, the better. Think Bridget Jones.

9. Lansinoh
This is an absolute MUST in my [and many of our mums] books. Breastfeeding is not easy and many, many women even find it too difficult to persevere with due to the pain it causes. Lansinoh is pure lanolin which provides almost instant relief to ravaged traumatised nipples and is so pure that it does not need to be removed prior to breastfeeding. Which is important because you do not want to be wiping your nipples. You won’t even want to dry them after a shower. Air dry and Lansinoh. You’ll thank us later.

10. Front opening tops
Breastfeeding is tricky enough without having to navigate your clothes. Having button through or zip up tops make access to the breasts sooo much easier. Pack a few though ‘cause you’ll almost definitely leak milk onto at least two of them and old milk, even your own, is not nice to sleep in.

11. A few pairs of pants

Whether you’re in pyjamas all day or dressed, it’s sensible to pack a few pairs of pants. The likelihood of you bleeding through your gigantic knickers and maternity pads is HIGH and no-one wants to be THAT girl on the maternity ward with blood on the back of her pants.

12. Slippers
Well you don’t want to be walking around the hospital in bare feet and you’re probably not going to want to wear shoes.

13. Phone/camera AND charger
You think you take a lot of photos now. Wait until you’re a mum. It feels like you live your life through a camera lens. If you’re bringing in your phone and/or digital camera, make sure you’ve got your charger too. There’s nothing worse than going to catch that priceless moment only to discover your battery has run out!

14. Lip balm
The air-conditioning in hospital is nightmare on the lips and you do sooooo much kissing of that new little baby that your lips need some extra loving.

15. Hand cream
You’ll do a lot of handwashing and you’ll want your hands to be soft ’cause you won’t be able to stop touching your baby!

16. Dummies [if you’re into them]
Some say ‘no’ some say ‘hell yeah’! If you’re a mum who’s into dummies, pack them. The hospital won’t have any.

17. Toilet paper!!
Surprisingly, this was one of our most popular suggestions! Even though you may panic at the thought, you WILL need to go and nice, soft toilet paper will help your visits. Lots of mums also suggested taking a pack of those flushable wipes. Both are a good idea and trust me, you’ll want to be kind to your southern regions after what you’ve been through.

18. Hair ties
From the feedback we received, it looks like lots of our mums got caught out fighting with their hair during labour! Pack some hair ties to keep your hair off your face. They’re also handy to move from wrist to wrist as a reminder of which breast your baby last fed on. Oh don’t worry, you will forget and you’ll be grateful for the tip!

19. Snacks
We all know about hospital food but even if you like it, it’s not enough for a breastfeeding mum… and, contrary to what the media bangs on about, now is NOT the time to be thinking about losing your baby weight. Bring some snacks you can either keep in your drawer or the fridge. Nuts, soft cheese [how much did you miss that?] crackers, fruit, chocolate, chips, etc. You’ll be surprised how hungry you get and especially when you’re starving at 3 o’clock in the morning. Pack any sp

ecialty tea bags you may like as well. I can’t live without my Twinings Earl Grey tea so I packed a box of them and the cafe on the ground floor took care of my coffee needs.

20. Disposable camera
This is actually something I wished I had done. My first son came early and I didn’t have the camera packed and my phone was almost dead so we didn’t have any photos of when he first came into the world. I tell everyone to just put one of those disposable cameras in their bag JUST IN CASE you’re caught totally off-guard.

So there it is! Our top 20 Hospital Bag MUST-HAVES!  

What about you? Did you have something you just couldn’t live without? How about something you wished you’d packed?


It’s All About Perspective

June 26, 2013 Bel's Blog


mother's inspirational video

We all have THOSE days.

You know, the ones where the baby won’t stop crying, the toddler’s full of mischief and drawn on the couch/walls/dog… again, and you’ve tried all day but still haven’t managed to hang out the washing or empty the dishwasher.

Then, when you do finally get everyone dressed and out of the house, a stranger offers you some ‘helpful’ advice that makes you feel as if you’re doing this whole parenting thing wrong.

Yep, you’re on edge and ready to throw in the towel.

And then you take refuge in Facebook, Twitter, a blog, etc for a few moments.

And you watch a video like this one, an incredibly strong, brave woman named Lacey Buchnanan being the best mum she can be despite such incomprehensible adversity.

I’ve seen this video several times now and it still makes me cry, but not for the hurdles this mum and her son face (he was born without eyes and with a cleft lip and palate). Instead, I cry because of her raw love and absolute pride in him.

He is her baby and she loves him unconditionally – any condition or diagnosis is irrelevant when it comes to the depth of her emotion.

And he clearly knows just how loved he is. So the little cherub showers his mummy with the best gifts a parent can ever receive – their child’s love, laughter and smiles.

Life’s little gifts

It shouldn’t, but sometimes it takes hearing someone else’s story and seeing their utter devotion to their child for us to stop and realise just what we have.

Personally, I know just how lucky I am to have my kids. My daughter was unexpectedly born prematurely at 32 weeks and I’m still haunted by the first conversation I had with a doctor after her birth where he discussed her “viability”.

It was a heart-wrenching moment that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

Luckily her condition quickly improved and  three years on, she’s a happy, healthy, mischievous little monkey that leads her little brother astray.

She is a gift. I am truly blessed to have her and her brother in my life, even if they do sometimes test my patience!

As parents, we are all fortunate to have our beautiful babies no matter what challenges we may face. And they all are beautiful babies!

As they grow, we may not always agree with their choices but we must remember how incredibly lucky we are to have them in our lives.

So next time you’re at the end of your tether and you think that things are just so hard, take a moment to sit back and really take a look at where you’re at.  I’m sure you’ll agree it’s not really all that bad after all.

Win Tickets & a VIP Meet & Greet with Elmo in Adelaide!

Sesame Street are coming to town and YOU can win a Meet & Greet with Elmo in Adelaide!

One lucky winner will receive a Family Pass (4 tickets) to the show PLUS get to meet Elmo personally in a VIP Meet & Greet!

The Sesame Street gang – Abby Cadabby, Big Bird, Grover, Zoe, Cookie Monster and Elmo use the letters of the alphabet to navigate a voyage through imagination that sees them visiting China, Zambia, France, India and Australia!

Elmo and his friends have fun learning how people sing, dance and say hello all over the world. However, things don’t go to plan when Cookie Monster eats the letter “C”. Can Abby Cadabby find the right magic spell to help?

Along the way, audiences will hear a sensational tale from The Count, help some travelling rubber-duckies find a place to stay with Bert and Ernie, and see the Sesame Street gang make a new friend; the gorgeous, gregarious, globe-trotter from the Gold Coast – Lady Baa Baa – proving its more fun to be mutton than lamb. Featuring a bunch of classic Sesame Street songs alongside some catchy new tunes, SESAME STREET PRESENTS ELMO’S WORLD TOUR has delighted fans of all ages around the nation.

For more information and to buy tickets please visit:

To enter, simply complete the entry form below and you’re in the running!  Be sure to specify your city so we can include you in the right draw!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Win 1 of 3 Disney on Ice Prize Packs!

Prepare to be wowed as you enter a world of wonder where heroes and hearts prevail.

Join Ariel as she yearns to explore the world above the waves, see Prince Philip defeat the evil Maleficent to rescue Sleeping Beauty’s Aurora. Witness high flying jumps, daring acrobatics and breathtaking skating as you discover a whole new world with Jasmine and Aladdin and watch in awe as the dreams of Cinderella, Belle, Snow White, Rapunzel and Tiana all come true.

Visit for more information and to view a clip of the show.



Thanks to Disney, we’ve got a Family Pass (4 people) plus a Merchandise pack to give away to one lucky family in each of the following cities:

Brisbane – Thursday June 27, 11am

Melbourne – Thursday July 4, 2.30pm

Sydney – Wednesday July 10, 3.30pm

To enter, simply complete the entry form below and when you have 20/20 entries, you’re in the draw!

Winners will be drawn on  20th  June and notified by email.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

10 Parenting Rules – and I broke them all

cosleeping with my firstborn


I was one self-righteous, know-it-all bitch Before Children [BC]. It’s true. I knew it ALL. Anything wrong with a kid? It’s their mum’s fault. Sometimes their dad’s. But mainly mum… because she CHOSE the dad after all. In my, far from humble, opinion parents were entirely responsible for everything their kids did, thought, said and broke.

And I knew WHY. Those parents didn’t FOLLOW THE RULES. There are rules in parenting that will guarantee a perfect child. Simple rules that I would often remind parents, even when they hadn’t asked, to help them. To guide them. To fix their brat.

Rules I swore to myself I would uphold. As the perfect parent embarking on raising the perfect child. *Insert wild, unhinged laughter here.

#1 – I will not use a dummy

It took me less than a week to let go of that one. Oh sweet, sweet dummy. How I loved the feel of you in my hand as I groped in the bassinet next to the bed under the blanket of darkness in the dead of the night to plug the screaming hole of my first born son. I brought a packet of them to hospital when my second son was born. I BEGGED him to take it. I tried every shape and size, even coating them in breast milk to TRICK HIM INTO SUCKING IT. Be careful what you wish you for. Turns out with number two I WAS the dummy. Take that you pious bitch.

#2 – My child will never sleep in the same bed as me

It’s the second night of my life as a new mum and the midwife offers to take my screaming newborn to the nursery with all the other babies so I can get some sleep. ‘Ok’ I said as I watched her wheel him out of my room, ripping my heart out as she did. He was gone 15 minutes before I went to get him. This is how Mark found me when he got to the hospital in the morning. I promised myself it was just to get us through that one night.

Ahem. You know that feeling when you haven’t slept for 3 months and you’ve got up so many times in the night that you can’t remember putting the baby back to bed… where is the baby?? Did I feed him last time or just change his nappy? Did I feed on both boobs, or the same one twice? Why is he crying? Shhhhhh… rock, rock…. shhhhhhh… rock, rock…. shhhhhh rock, rock. Oh forget it, just lay next to me. THAT was how I broke rule #2 at home. And how, 8 years later, I simply just move over when I hear the sound of my 5 year old’s bare feet padding down the hall to my room in the middle of the night. He’s warm and cuddly. It gets a bit crowded when the 8 year old joins us every now and then, but I don’t turn him away either. Still feeling smug Tan?

#3 – I will not ‘pick my battles’. Every battle is worth it… and they need to learn that I’m the boss

Aahahahahahahaha. Ow, my sides are splitting. Dear BC TAN. You were an idiot. There are sooo many battles that have never been fought, won or lost here. Yes, you can wear your swim rashy on top of your jumper because it matches your rubber boots to the shop. Why not? Yes, you can take every teddy bear you own to bed because they will be sad without you tonight. Of course. No, you don’t have to eat the toast that I accidentally cut into triangles instead of squares. I understand it doesn’t taste the same. Just don’t cross me at bed time. That’s not negotiable. Most of the time.

#4 – I will not use food as currency to bribe my child

Well… what kind of values does that teach? I never understood the power of a promised [insert biscuit/yoghurt squeezy/ice-block/cupcake/smiley-face biscuit here] to ‘encourage’ a wilful kid to do just about anything really. Parenting Tip: carrying around any number of those bribes in your oversized handbag can make or break a public outing.

#5 – I will only feed my child organic, additive-free food

What?? Best intentions and all that…. My kids actually eat well. I’ve been pretty good at keeping their diet healthy. Additive-free is a stretch though and only organic? I’d have to take out a second mortgage to pull that one off. I have fed them McDonalds too. Oh the shame….

#6 – I will limit my child’s television viewing to no more than 30 mins per day

Oh don’t look at me like that. How was I to know that I would do anything to have an uninterrupted telephone conversation or cook dinner without tiny ‘helping’ hands or do a poo on my own or just sit and be quiet?? And with the new ABC stations there’s ALL DAY kids shows WITHOUT COMMERCIALS. The cheapest babysitting you’ll ever find. And you get to have a perve-fest on Sportacus. Eye candy eating sports candy… hmmmmm.

#7 – I will not ‘give in’ to my child’s constant nagging for something at the supermarket cash register

Unless I’m on my own with the kids and everyone looking has a grimace/scowl/frown/look of pain or pity on their faces. Oh wait. That’s every time.

#8 – My house will always be spotless… because that’s all I have to do. Look after my child and clean my house. Easy.

Yes, I’m shaking my head in disbelief too. One time while the tv was babysitting so I could enjoy one of my uninterrupted phone conversations, my, single, super-neat friend said to me “I spent all morning cleaning and my floors are so spotless you could eat off them” I looked around in despair and replied “You could eat off mine too… ‘cause that’s where all the fucking food is”

#9 – I will never yell at my child. Yelling is just a loss of control reserved for incapable mums

Yes. I was deluded. I yell at the tv when someone’s annoying. I yell at bad drivers on the road and cyclists who forget that they’re sharing the road with bad drivers. I yell at my mum, my sister, my brother, my husband. I yell at the PLAYROOM when it’s in a mess. I yell at weeds when I pull them out and the root breaks off and stays in the fucking ground. I yell at my cupboard if I’m out of coffee. How the hell I thought I would EVER not yell at my kids, who drive me insane, still astounds me. I yell. They look alive. I buy myself 2 minutes peace. They go back to whatever it is. It’s a loud, predictable dance.

#10 – My child will not dictate my schedule. They will fit into my life, not the other way around

Oh.. shut up.

This post originally appeared at Seventies Baby – a gloves-off perspective of womanhood, parenting and modern family life in a world obsessed with being perfect and politically correct. It has been republished with full permission.

You can (and should!) follow the blog on Facebook here.


The Truth About Milestones

parenting advice
I’m at a kid’s party. Lot of mums are there. Mums with babies. In slings. In their arms. Sitting at their feet on the floor. I make my way over and say hi to one of them. Gush over their baby a little bit and tell them how cute they are. I ask how old their baby is. And the flood gates open up. “They’re 9 months old, but they look older because they’re on the 90th percentile for weight. They should be crawling by now but they just can’t seem to get it. What age did yours crawl by?” I look at her like a deer in the headlights. I can’t remember.

My sons are 6 and 8 years old. I can’t remember when they crawled. I know they both walked at 12 months. They talked at different times. Rolled at different times. Sat up at different times. One slept through the night and the other one NEVER has. Both natural births at 38 weeks. Both breastfed. One came out of me talking and the other one took aaaaages. One had a dummy and the other one refused, no matter how much I begged him.

I was totally consumed with every milestone of my sons’ infancy and toddlerhood. I knew where they sat on the spectrum of development at any time and furtively watched other kids their age at parks and parties and kindergym. Comparing. Sometimes quietly smug that my kid was doing so much better than the others. Sometimes aghast that everyone else’s kid was doing so much better than mine. It’s a terrible stressful time during which I judged my own performance as a parent by the weekly and sometimes daily [‘cause it happens that quickly when they’re babies] achievements of my kids. I remember the time but I don’t remember the details and I don’t remember the details because, here’s the thing… THEY. DON’T. MATTER.

Don’t get me wrong. Milestones are important for broad monitoring of whether or not there is an underlying learning disability or developmental delay for your baby. And if your child is repeatedly not reaching any of them and you have a feeling in your gut that something’s not right, take them to your GP or paediatrician or Child & Youth Health. But guess what? If your kid is just not keeping up here and there with the mothers’ group kids, it’s ok. And I say ‘it’s ok’ because I know that to be true.

Dear new mum, all that stuff that’s consuming you is not going to matter once your little one is in school. I don’t expect you to listen to me, I certainly didn’t when other mums told me, but it’s my duty to tell you nonetheless.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Trust your instincts and if they’re a bit fuzzy, DON’T turn to the kids you see in the playground to measure your child[ren] by. Every kid truly is different and let me tell you why. It’s because every mum is different.

So little Johnny didn’t roll at the same time as little Sammy. How important do you really think that’s going to be when they’re in the class room together? Little Kylie could count months earlier than little Sophie but that doesn’t mean she’s going to be a maths whiz in grade 5.

I know this all to be true but I still have to give myself this same advice even today. Drawing on what I know from my time as a mum to babies and toddlers I have to stop myself when I become obsessed with whether or not my child is at the same level as everyone else right now. I tell myself to take a step back and not get caught up in the school mum hype. It’s not easy but luckily I have friends with kids who are older than mine and they keep it real for me too. It’s a vicious cycle of self-doubt, comparison and judging but take it from me it’s not the stuff that matters.

The stuff that I DO remember involves a warm baby’s head nuzzling in my neck. I remember the feeling of joy I had when my boys took their first steps. I remember the sweetness in my heart when I heard them first say ‘Mum’. I remember the laugh in my belly when I first saw them clap their hands. I remember love.

But milestones? Sorry. No idea.

Guess who’s coming to the 2013 Mother’s May Lunch!

Grab your girlfriends and join Belinda & the team from ABB on Friday May 10th at the National Wine Centre as we raise much needed funds for the Women’s & Children’s Hospital Foundation. Enjoy sparkling wine on arrival (bubbles, yum!), followed by a delightful two-course lunch, complimented with tasty Wirra Wirra Wines, all hosted by 5AA’s Belinda Heggen.

This year ABB are a proud partner of the Mother’s May Lunch and as such are offering tickets to join us on the ABB tables for an afternoon of laughter, fun & time to invest back in ME as we celebrate women, and say ‘thank you’ to our mums while helping to raise much needed funds. 

I’m sure we’re all touched in one way or another by the wonderful work of the Women’s & Children’s Hospital and look forward to supporting such a valuable cause to help touch thousands of families each year.

In 2013, their very special guests will be:-

  • Debora Krizak – accomplished performer and published author, born and bred in Adelaide
  • Mrs Liz Scarce – wife of His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce AC CSC RANR, Governor of South Australia
  • Gill Hicks – Adelaide born International hero and inspirational mum, founder of London-based not-for-profit M.A.D for Peace, a motivational speaker, author, curator and trustee for several cultural organizations.

Clinical evidence suggests that creating a child-friendly environment and providing distraction through play and recreation, can not only lower anxiety and pain but also improve recovery rates. This means that through play, recreation and fun, children feel better and get well faster.

The WCH Foundation has set up The Kids FUNd to help the Hospital feel more like home for the child patients at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Gifts from just a few dollars to a few thousand dollars make a big difference to sick kids.

The Kids FUNd works with Hospital staff and play therapists to purchase the things they need to provide entertainment, distraction, play therapy and recreation for sick children. It may be crayons, pencils or art and craft supplies. It could be games and books or a teddy bear to cuddle. It also includes projects like the Pediatric Emergency Department – complete with bright wall graphics and aquarium, to the Nuclear Medicine Department’s special distraction graphics for young patients undergoing procedures.

Tickets for the lunch are $95 each.  If you’d like to join us on our ABB tables please email Belinda at to arrange your tickets.


Thanks to Luncheon Partners for their valuable support!

Welcome to Australian Baby Bargains, saving you money!

Welcome to Australian Baby Bargains, the only destination you’ll need to sell the gear your little ones have outgrown and grab yourself great deals on pre-loved baby and children’s items.

From our humble beginnings on Facebook, we’ve grown into a thriving online marketplace. We bring Australian parents a high-quality, completely free and (most importantly) local service for buying and selling new and pre-loved baby and children’s items.

It’s virtually effortless to buy and sell your baby and child items here.

Best of all, it’s local—and 100% FREE!

Don’t forget to check out our hugely popular marketplace, our online directory showcasing a selection of amazing businesses we love so much, and the centerpiece of our website, the baby classifieds.

I won’t insult any of us mums by saying that creating a business is like giving birth. If it was, they’d give out epidurals for entrepreneurs. However, there’s always a good story behind every great venture—and here’s mine.

With my own stockpile of baby items to sell, I quickly grew frustrated with listings on online auction sites—paying the fees, waiting for bidders, and failing to sell a lot of the time. I decided there had to be a better, cheaper way to buy and sell these goods. We all know kids grow faster than they can wear out their clothes and toys so I needed to create a solution.

I setup an album on Facebook to promote to my friends and quickly became impatient! My idea then blossomed into the concept of a “fan page” to share with other mums in Australia—and that’s when Adelaide Baby Bargains (ABB) was born.

Word spread fast, and ABB became the buzz around town. With our membership steadily growing and our Facebook page overloaded with listings, we developed a dedicated website to better serve mums. The site was a huge success, and I knew it was time to share Baby Bargains with the rest of Australia.

It’s been a lot of work, but so worth it!  We’re finally here and I’m thrilled to introduce you Australian Baby Bargains.  Shop locally, or shop across cities! We’ve got thousands of listings of all things babies and kids, and best of all – IT’S FEE FREE!

So, what are you waiting for? Join Australian Baby Bargains today (it won’t cost you a cent) and discover the revolutionary shopping experience that’s taken Adelaide by storm. Like thousands of others, you’ll soon wonder what you ever did without it.

Belinda Jennings
Founder & CEO

Saving Money, One Nappy Change at a Time!

Almost one in two working families in Australia live dangerously close to the financial brink and up to 90% feel uncomfortable with their financial position, according to a recent survey by RaboDirect.

Sobering thoughts when you add in the cost of raising a baby to its first birthday. International baby resource, Babycentre, has calculated that bringing up baby for the first 12 months can cost parents up to $16,000!

One of the biggest expenses parents face with their new baby is nappies, with a cost of up to $6000 per child in disposable nappies!

Most new parents don’t give much thought to the cost of nappies before their baby arrives, but once they take their precious little bundle home from the hospital, the weekly expenditure on nappies really starts to bite, especially when the parents may have just dropped from two salaries to one.

Founder of Cushie Tushies and Telstra Business Awards finalist, Catherine Langman, says that more and more parents are turning to modern cloth nappies as a way to save money. Not only can they save you $3000 to $5000, but will also save up to one tonne of rubbish being generated. And that’s per child compared to disposables!

Financial Counselling Australia suggests people should try to treat savings as if it were a regular bill.

Parents-to-be can take this advice one step further and layby their modern cloth nappies whilst still pregnant – that way, once baby arrives and your household income drops, you already have all your nappies for birth to toilet training and your household budget won’t be under as much pressure.

With over 300,000 babies born in Australia every year, there’s a lot of families who could benefit, potentially saving a combined $900million!

For further information about modern cloth nappies or details of the potential savings parents can make using them, please contact Catherine Langman at or visit their website

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  • Children's Panadol Recall: 1-5 Years Suspension Recalled for Quality Reasons

    by on December 5, 2013 - 0 Comments

    Two batches of Children’s Panadol 1–5 years suspension dispatched by GlaxoSmithKline between September and November have been recalled for quality reasons. PRA number: 2013/13888 Date published: 5th December 2013 Product description GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), in consultation with the TGA, is recalling two batches of Children’s Panadol 1-5 years suspension from pharmacies and hospitals as a small proportion of bottles […]

  • 10 Parenting Rules – and I broke them all

    by on June 11, 2013 - 37 Comments

    Confession. I was one self-righteous, know-it-all bitch Before Children [BC]. It’s true. I knew it ALL. Anything wrong with a kid? It’s their mum’s fault. Sometimes their dad’s. But mainly mum… because she CHOSE the dad after all. In my, far from humble, opinion parents were entirely responsible for everything their kids did, thought, said […]

  • Win a Britax Strider Compact & Steelcraft Infant Carrier valued at $1,128

    by on July 1, 2013 - 1262 Comments

    Thanks to our gorgeous friends at Britax & Steelcraft, we’re giving one lucky member a Britax Strider Compact & Steelcraft Infant Carrier. Total value $1,128 Congratulations Rachel M – you’re the lucky winner!  Please check your inbox for full details on how to claim your prize! The Britax Strider Compact (RRP $799.00) is more lightweight […]

  • Tim Tam Balls - Recipe of the Month

    by on August 9, 2013 - 9 Comments

    They’re an Aussie favourite, no matter which way you look at it, you can’t beat a Tim Tam! Quick & easy, this fabulous recipe only needs three ingredients! Makes 22 Large Balls You’ll need: 1 x Packet Tim Tams 1 x 250gm Block Philadelphia Cream Cheese 1 x 375gm Cooking Chocolate (Milk/Dark) Method: Step 1: […]

  • The Only Teacher's Christmas Gift Guide You'll Need. EVER.

    by on November 26, 2013 - 1 Comments

    Christmas Gift Guide for Teachers Do you have little ones [or big ones!] in school? Have you dropped them off at their class every day and wondered, with awe, how any sane person could choose to spend 6 hours a day with as many as 30 kids at a time? As we get closer to […]